Apparently, Pickton, a 56-year-old Port Coquitlam pig farmer, confessed to killing 49 women and he wanted to go for the even 50.
I suppose even crazies have to have goals.
I'm just astonished by the fact that dozens of women had gone missing in the Downtown Eastside, and law enforcement only managed to find this guy, presuming he's guilty of course, because they had a weapons warrant. They found the severed heads, hands, feet, asthma medicine, all by accident.
And I'm going to be tuning in, reading about this, because I'm fascinated as to what Willy's defence is going to consist of. Sure he confessed, but only after a gruelling 11-hour interview. Sure body parts were found on his pig farm, but he'd never seen them before.
Hey, it's a big farm.
Looks like he might take the old Shaggy defence, but I doubt whether the "Wasn't me" refrain will convince the jury.
Even though it doesn't look like mr. Will has a hope of getting off on this one, man, if he did, what then? The guy's been in jail for five years. Aside from the cabillions we've already spent to house him, investigate him and ready the court for his trial, how much would he have to be paid if they couldn't make it stick?
Not that that'll happen, I'm just a wonderin'.
If his lawyers can get the confessiona thrown out on a technicality, then the rest is pretty circumstantial. It's common knowledge hundreds if not thousands of people had access to the farm over the years as it was an after-hours party place. He COULD end up getting off on all this. Just sayin.
And exactly where were YOU during all this time???
I was eating bacon. Boatloads of it. Gotta love the BLTs.
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