Pamela Fayerman, Vancouver Sun
Published: Tuesday, February 27, 2007
B.C. doctors are being put on alert that the most commonly prescribed antidepressant in B.C. is increasingly being observed to have toxic overdose consequences like seizures and even deaths.
"We are alerting doctors about our concerns to give them a heads-up that it is a potential concern because it appears it is more toxic than it was originally hoped it would be," Derek Daws, managing director of the B.C. Drug and Poison Information Centre said in an interview Monday, referring to the medication called venlafaxine, whose brand name is Effexor.
Talk about spinning a sentence to make something terribly frightening sound actually kind of positive.
“It appears it is more toxic than it was originally hoped it would be.”
Wow! You guys did it. You’d figured it would be a little toxic, and now it’s even more toxic than you’d hoped!
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